
Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

In his mercy, He sent the storm itself to make us seek help. And then knowing that we’re likely to get the wrong answer, He gives us a multiple choice exam with only one option to choose from: the correct answer. The hardship itself is ease. By taking away all other hand-holds, all other multiple choice options, He has made the test simple. It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that’s exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray.
I think we seek out people who we hope will fix what our childhood broke.
Just as storms change the landscape of the earth, our hardships change the landscape of the heart.
Be careful about wanting what others have. There is always a price. Perhaps God didn’t give it to you, because He knew you wouldn’t be able to pay it.
You keep running after the love of the people, but you’ll never get it. And what you do get, will never be enough. The hole inside you is too big. You see, it was made by God, for God. How could anything less fill it?
Stop hating on yourself for not being perfect. If God wanted perfection, He would have made you an angel.
Speak your heart. If they don’t understand, the message was never meant for them anyway.
In any nation, the hypocrites do not become apparent except during times of fitnah (severe tests and hardships).
So often we think that Allah only tests us with hardships, but this isn’t true. Allah also tests with ease. He tests us with na`im (blessings) and with the things we love, and it is often in these tests that so many of us fail. We fail because when Allah gives us these blessings, we unwittingly turn them into false idols in the heart.
In his mercy, He sent the storm itself to make us seek help. And then knowing that we’re likely to get the wrong answer, He gives us a multiple choice exam with only one option to choose from: the correct answer. The hardship itself is ease. By taking away all other hand-holds, all other multiple choice options, He has made the test simple. It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that’s exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray
Times of hardship can act as both an indicator, as well as a cure, for our broken relationship with our Creator.
The fastest way to heal a broken heart is to find someone better to love, and love more. Know that sometimes heartbreak happens just to push you to God.
There’s something amazing about this life. The very same worldly attribute that causes us pain is also what gives us relief: Nothing here lasts. What does that mean? It means that the breathtakingly beautiful rose in my vase will wither tomorrow. It means that my youth will neglect me. But it also means that the sadness I feel today will change tomorrow. My pain will die. My laughter won’t last forever but neither will my tears. We say this life isn’t perfect. And it isn’t. It isn’t perfectly good. But, it also isn’t perfectly bad, either.
You keep running after the love of the people, but you’ll never get it. And what you do get, will never be enough. The hole inside you is too big. You see, it was made by God, for God. How could anything less fill it?
Stop hating on yourself for not being perfect. If God wanted perfection, He would have made you an angel.
So often it hurts us that we are not able to focus in our prayers. Remember, the more you focus on Allah outside your salah, the easier it will be to focus on Him inside your salah. What occupies you in salah, is what occupies you outside of salah. Try to fill your mind and heart with Allah as much as you can throughout your day. Talk to Him, make duaa to Him constantly. This will build your personal relationship with Him. Then, going to salah will be like coming home to an old friend.
Worry is a direct consequence of relying on your own efforts.
So often it hurts us that we are not able to focus in our prayers. Remember, the more you focus on Allah outside your salah, the easier it will be to focus on Him inside your salah. What occupies you in salah, is what occupies you outside of salah. Try to fill your mind and heart with Allah as much as you can throughout your day. Talk to Him, make duaa to Him constantly. This will build your personal relationship with Him. Then, going to salah will be like coming home to an old friend.
Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him.
And so in the heart of such a believer is a sort of paradise. That is the paradise that Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on his soul, spoke of when he said: ‘Truly, there is a Heaven in this world, [and] whoever does not enter it, will not enter the Heaven of the next world.’ And in that heaven, complete peace is not something of a moment. It is a state, eternal.
People think that tests only come in the form of hardships. Allah also tests us with ease, it’s often in the test of ease that we fail most.
Compassion is to look beyond your own pain, to see the pain of others.

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Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Prayer

When you suffer, don’t speak. Look inside and listen for the duaa He inspires in you. and then ask Him. Again and again. Don’t stop.

Sigh… I have learned that *everything* is so hard…except what Allah makes easy. So we must *beg* Him to make it easy on us.

Never lose hope. Stay close to Allah and when you mess up, go back to Him. Never, ever stop going back to Him. Repent often. Cry to Allah. And hold on tight-with your life-to His remembrance and to prayer. If you do this, you may get wet, but Insha’Allah never drown in this ocean of dunya.

Everything you say or allow into your eyes or ears becomes data that is stored in your heart. That data is later replayed during your prayer. If you want to know what is filling your heart, look at what you think about in your prayer. If you want to guard your heart, guard your eyes, ears, and tongue.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Life

To some, Islam is nothing but a code of rules and regulations. But, to those who understand, it is a perfect vision of life

The people will come and go. Sometimes they’ll be there for you. Sometimes they won’t. Some will love you, some will not. This tide was never meant to be still. Step away from time to time. And know that only a heart fixed on the unmoving spot can ride the waves of this ever-changing, ever-fading life.

Do not say that every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to dying. Every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to finally living.

Allah manages everything in the heavens and earth—the sun, the moon, the stars—with perfection, and yet we don’t trust Him to manage our lives!

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Heartbreak

If you wonder how you’ll get through this new heartbreak, just think back. Remember all you’ve been through in the past. And how each time you swore, you’d never get through it. But you did. And look where you’re at now. This too shall pass!

If you want this life to stop breaking your heart, stop giving your heart to this life.

Yes, the heart breaks. But, it also heals.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Relationships

If you want to kill something, neglect it. It happens in both good and bad. Neglect a relationship, it dies. Neglect your iman, it dies. But the same principal applies when you want to kill something like a thought or a desire. Neglect it, it dies.

When talking about marriage, Allah says your spouses are garments for you. A garment may or may not fit perfectly-but either way, it covers imperfections, protects, and beautifies.

I think we seek out people who we hope will fix what our childhood broke.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Soul

And so in the heart of such a believer is a sort of paradise. That is the paradise that Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on his soul, spoke of when he said: ‘Truly, there is a Heaven in this world, [and] whoever does not enter it, will not enter the Heaven of the next world.’ And in that heaven, complete peace is not something of a moment. It is a state, eternal.

Tell this imprisoned soul that it will never be owned. Nothing will ever own you. But God.

If you think you’re too far from Allah to return, and your ‘past’ continues to own you, just remember that Malik ibn Dinar (RA) was an alcoholic, and Omar (RA) was on his way to assassinate the Prophet (pbuh) before they became two of the greatest souls to walk the earth!

I’m not here to be on display. And my body is not for public consumption. I will not be reduced to an object, or a pair of legs to sell shoes. I’m a soul, a mind, a servant of God. My worth is defined by the beauty of my soul, my heart, my moral character. So I won’t worship your beauty standards, and I don’t submit to your fashion sense. My submission is to something higher.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Hardship

Its shocking how many people believe hardships are a punishment from God! Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him!

So often we experience things in life, and yet never see the connections between them. When we are given hardship, or feel pain, we often fail to consider that the experience may be the direct cause or result of another action or experience. Sometimes we fail to recognize the direct connection between the pain in our lives and our relationship with Allah SWT

We often wonder why God gives and takes, constricts and expands. What we forget is that human beings understand things by their opposites. Without dark, we can’t understand light. Without hardship, we wouldn’t *experience* ease. Without the existence of deprivation and loss, we couldn’t grasp the need for gratitude or the virtue of patience. And without separation, we wouldn’t taste the sweetness of reunion. Glory be to the one who gives—even when He takes.

I am always shocked to discover how many people believe that hardships are a punishment from God! When people face tests or see others facing tests, they assume Allah must be angry with them. SubhannAllah! Remember which people were tested the most: The Prophets! And they were the closest to Allah. Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him!

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about God

Sigh… I have learned that *everything* is so hard…except what Allah makes easy. So we must *beg* Him to make it easy on us.

Allah manages everything in the heavens and earth—the sun, the moon, the stars—with perfection, and yet we don’t trust Him to manage our lives!

So often it hurts us that we are not able to focus in our prayers. Remember, the more you focus on Allah outside your salah, the easier it will be to focus on Him inside your salah. What occupies you in salah, is what occupies you outside of salah. Try to fill your mind and heart with Allah as much as you can throughout your day. Talk to Him, make duaa to Him constantly. This will build your personal relationship with Him. Then, going to salah will be like coming home to an old friend.

When you suffer, don’t speak. Look inside and listen for the duaa He inspires in you. and then ask Him. Again and again. Don’t stop.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Silence

Some hearts understand each other, even in silence.

Sometimes you search so hard for words. You look for a way to interpret the language of this heart and the unspoken bond you feel. But in the end you are left with nothing but silence. And deep down you hope it’s understood.

There’s a time for words and a time for silence. If you’re listening, you’ll hear the difference.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Pain

When you suffer, don’t speak. Look inside and listen for the duaa He inspires in you. and then ask Him. Again and again. Don’t stop.

This pain in your heart was created to make you yearn less for this life. And to yearn more for jennah. Allahuakbar

Ya Allah, envelop our hearts with a shield of your light and mercy, so the pain doesn’t penetrate.

For a wound to heal, you have to clean it out. Again, and again, and again. And this cleaning process stings. The cleaning of a wound hurts. Yes. Healing takes so much work. So much persistence. And so much patience. But every process has an end and an appointed term. Your healing will come… And like all created things, your worldly pain will die.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Heaven

There will come a day when a person would be willing to give everything they ever loved, everything they ever owned, everything they ever chased in this life, everything between the heavens and earth…just for the chance to come back here and make just one sajdah (prostration). Just one.

And so in the heart of such a believer is a sort of paradise. That is the paradise that Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on his soul, spoke of when he said: ‘Truly, there is a Heaven in this world, [and] whoever does not enter it, will not enter the Heaven of the next world.’ And in that heaven, complete peace is not something of a moment. It is a state, eternal.

Do not say that every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to dying. Every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to finally living.

Allah manages everything in the heavens and earth—the sun, the moon, the stars—with perfection, and yet we don’t trust Him to manage our lives!

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Reality

Like Musa you too will be saved from the Sea. Just look through it and see Him. Then the illusion will crumble and you’ll be left with the only Reality: Him.

In Dunay, the image is always better than the reality. In Jannah, the Reality is better than any image ever could be.

Ignoring a Reality doesn’t make it less Real. It’s still going to happen. Being unprepared for something doesn’t stop it from happening.

On that Day, we will see the true reality. On that Day, we will realize that two rak`at (units) of prayer were greater than everything in the heavens and the earth. We will realize the priceless check that was left on our doorstep every night as we slept. There will come a day when we would give up everything under the sky just to come back and pray those two rak`at.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Islam

Break in the hands of God, He’ll unbreak you. Break in the hands of people, you’ll remain forever broken. Break to no one, your heart will remain hard.

If you want to focus more on Allah in your prayers, focus more on Him outside your prayers.

To some, Islam is nothing but a code of rules and regulations. But, to those who understand, it is a perfect vision of life

If you wonder how you’ll get through this new heartbreak, just think back. Remember all you’ve been through in the past. And how each time you swore, you’d never get through it. But you did. And look where you’re at now. This too shall pass!

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes Your Life is Nothing

Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Creation

Don’t ever be afraid of giving. Give. Give of your time, your forgiveness, your understanding, your love. Give of your money. Give to the creation, and you’ll be given by the Creator. Be generous, and the Most Generous will be generous with you.

When you Rectify your Relationship with the Creator, He Rectifies your relationship with All of the Creation.

We cannot tolerate one mistake from others, and yet God tolerates a planet covered with His own creation that live their entire lives sinning and denying Him, and yet continues to feed, clothe and protect them.

Do you struggle with confusion? Not knowing which way to go? Here’s why: We turn to means (help of creation, our own mind) before turning to God.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Fashion

My sisters, let’s tell ‘fashion’ we love Allah more!

My value as a woman is not measured by the size of my waist or the number of men who like me. My worth as a human being is measured on a higher scale: a scale of righteousness and piety. And my purpose in life-despite what fashion magazines say-is something more sublime than just looking good for men.

As Muslim women, we have been liberated from this silent bondage. We don’t need society’s standard of beauty or fashion, to define our worth. We don’t need to become just like men to be honored, and we don’t need to wait for a prince to save or complete us. Our worth, our honor, our salvation, and our completion lies not in the slave. But, in the Lord of the slave.

I’m not here to be on display. And my body is not for public consumption. I will not be reduced to an object, or a pair of legs to sell shoes. I’m a soul, a mind, a servant of God. My worth is defined by the beauty of my soul, my heart, my moral character. So I won’t worship your beauty standards, and I don’t submit to your fashion sense. My submission is to something higher.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Mercy

Shaytan will tell you that you’re not worthy, so give up. But his traps are based on lies. When was any of it because of *your* worth? It was all because of His mercy, His generosity, His love of giving, and forgiving. And those qualities don’t change because you’re messing up. Just seek them. Call Him by His mercy, not by your deeds.

And so in the heart of such a believer is a sort of paradise. That is the paradise that Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on his soul, spoke of when he said: ‘Truly, there is a Heaven in this world, [and] whoever does not enter it, will not enter the Heaven of the next world.’ And in that heaven, complete peace is not something of a moment. It is a state, eternal.

Ya Allah, envelop our hearts with a shield of your light and mercy, so the pain doesn’t penetrate.

Don’t let this Ramadan be just a holiday of rituals. Don’t finish reading the Quran without it transforming you. Don’t feed your body at suhoor, but starve your heart of Qiyam. Don’t reduce this downpour of mercy to just a month of sweets and lavish iftars. Seek Him, you will find. Take a sincere step towards change, transformation, redemption. If you do, you will find Him in front of you. Find Him this month. He’s been there all along. Closer than your jugular vein. Look and you’ll find. Walk and you’ll arrive.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on Sadness

There’s something amazing about this life. The very same worldly attribute that causes us pain is also what gives us relief: Nothing here lasts. What does that mean? It means that the breathtakingly beautiful rose in my vase will wither tomorrow. It means that my youth will neglect me. But it also means that the sadness I feel today will change tomorrow. My pain will die. My laughter won’t last forever but neither will my tears. We say this life isn’t perfect. And it isn’t. It isn’t perfectly good. But, it also isn’t perfectly bad, either.

You have trouble feeling alive, so you stab your own heart just to feel something. It was the emptiness that was killing you. You created the sadness and the fear to fill it.

Happiness, sadness, loss and gain all pass away. What they do to us is what remains.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes about Take care

Don’t worry about what the people say. Sometimes they’ll praise you. Sometimes they’ll condemn you. All these things all fade away. And in the end, Allah takes care of everything. Perfectly.

Take care of the hearts of the people, and Allāh will take care of your heart

Take care of the hearts you’ve been entrusted with. Once lost, they can be lost from you forever.

Inspirational Quotes by Yasmin Mogahed

To some, Islam is nothing but a code of rules and regulations. But, to those who understand, it is a perfect vision of life

When you suffer, don’t speak. Look inside and listen for the duaa He inspires in you. and then ask Him. Again and again. Don’t stop.

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