
Cesar Chavez Quotes

Cesar Chavez Quotes

Cesar Chavez Quotes

Cesar Chavez  Quotes has been a dominant union leader and labour secretary. Hardened by his own early experience as a migrant worker, Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. His marriage combined with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee at its very first attack against grape growers in California, and also the 2 businesses later united to become the United Farm Workers.

Cesar Chavez Quotes

We can choose to use our lives for others to bring about a better and more just world for our children. People who make that choice will know hardship and sacrifice. But if you give yourself totally to the non-violence struggle for peace and justice you also find that people give you their hearts and you will never go hungry and never be alone. And in giving of yourself you will discover a whole new life full of meaning and love.

The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our being but it is also the most true to our nature

If you are interested in preventing animal suffering, the first thing you should give up is eggs and milk because the animals who produce those foods lead the unhappiest lives. You would do better to eat meat and stop eating eggs and dairy products.

The name of the game is to talk to people. If you don’t talk to people, you can’t get started…You knock on twenty doors or so, and twenty guys tell you to go to hell, or that they haven’t got time. But maybe at the fortieth or sixtieth house you find the one guy who is all you need. You’re not going to organize everything; you’re just going to get it started.

True wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we inspire.

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. Cesar Chavez Address to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, Nov. 9, 1984

Together, all things are possible.

When the man who feeds the world by toiling in the fields is himself deprived of the basic rights of feeding, sheltering, and caring for his own family, the whole community of man is sick.
[We believe that unions have always been about much more than the industries in which they operate. The fight is never about grapes or lettuce, … It is always about people.

A movement with some lasting organization is a lot less dramatic than a movement with a lot of demonstrations and a lot of marching and so forth. The more dramatic organization does catch attention quicker. Over the long haul, however, it’s a lot more difficult to keep together because you’re not building solid…A lasting organization is one in which people will continue to build, develop and move when you are not there.

The people united will never be defeated.

There is no substitute for hard work, 23 or 24 hours a day. And there is no substitute for patience and acceptance.

Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.

It’s ironic that those who till the soil, cultivate and harvest the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that fill your tables with abundance have nothing left for themselves.

“The life of the union depends upon more people getting to share the limelight, because with the limelight also comes responsibility and with the responsibility comes a little sharing of the load.” “There isn’t enough money to organize poor people. There never is enough money to organize anyone. If you put it on the basis of money, you’re not going to succeed.”

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Stressing non violent procedures, Cesar Chavez Quotes about Labors attracted attention due to his causes via boycotts,marches and hunger strikes. Despite conflicts with all the Teamsters union and lawful hurdles, he managed to procure increases and improve conditions for farm workers in California, Texas, Arizona and Florida. 

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Heart

Society is made up of groups, and as long as the smaller groups do not have the same rights and the same protection as others – I don[‘t care whether you call it capitalism or communism -it is not going to work. Somehow, the guys in power have to be reached by counterpower, or through a change in their hearts and minds, or change will not come.

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.

We are organizers at heart. Most of us in the movement take great pride in being able to put things together.

There’s no turning back…We will win. We are winning because ours is a revolution of mind and heart…

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Earth Produced in Yuma, Arizona, to immigrant parents, Chavez transferred to California together with his family in 1939. For the following 10 years that they proceeded down and up the country employed in the disciplines. In that time Chavez struck the terms he would devote his entire Cesar Chavez Quotes on Life changing: unhappy migrant decks, tainted labour builders, meager salaries for back breaking job, sour racism.

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Non Violence

When workers fall back on violence, they are lost. Oh, they might win some of their demands and might end a strike a little earlier, but they give up their imagination, their creativity, their will to work hard and to suffer for what they believe is right.

There is no such thing as defeat in non-violence.

Non-violence is very weak in the theoretical sense; it cannot defend itself. But it is most powerful in the action situation where people are using non-violence because they want desperately to bring about some change. Non-violence in action is a very potent force and it can’t be stopped. The people who are struggling have the complete say-so. No man-made law, no human ruler, no army can destroy this. There is no way it can be destroyed… And so, if we have the capacity to endure, if we have the patience, things will change.

Non-violence is a very powerful weapon. Most people don’t understand the power of non-violence and tend to be amazed by the whole idea. Those who have been involved in bringing about change and see the difference between violence and non-violence are firmly committed to a lifetime of non-violence, not because it is easy or because it is cowardly, but because it is an effective and very powerful way.

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Farm Workers and Health, labor leader and civil rights activist César Chávez caused better conditions for agricultural workers. Born in his family’s farm near Yuma, Arizona, Chávez witnessed the harsh states farm laborers endured. Routinely manipulated by their employers, these were regularly unpaid, living in shacks in exchange for their labour, without the medical or other basic centers. With no united voice, they had no means to boost their position. Cesar Chavez Quotes on Community Through marches, strikes and boycotts, Chávez forced companies to pay for sufficient salary and offer different advantages and has been accountable for legislation enacting the first Bill of Rights for agricultural workers. Cesar Chavez Quotes on Non Violence Due to his devotion to social justice and his lifelong dedication to bettering the lives of many others, Chávez was recognized with the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Cesar Chavez Quotes Si Se Puede

¢®Si se puede!

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Civil Rights

When poor people get involved in a long conflict, such as a strike or a civil rights drive, and the pressure increases each day, there is a deep need for spiritual advice. Without it, we see families crumble, leadership weaken, and hard workers grow tired.

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Community

When you have people together who believe in something very strongly – whether it’s religion or politics or unions – things happen.

You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.

When the man who feeds the world by toiling in the fields is himself deprived of the basic rights of feeding, sheltering, and caring for his own family, the whole community of man is sick.

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Knowledge

The end of all knowledge should be service to others.

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Dreams

To make a great dream come true, the first requirement is a great capacity to dream; the second is persistence.
Short Quotes on Animals by Cesar Chavez and Immigration

I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry and unhappy like we do. I feel very deeply about vegetarianism and the animal kingdom. It was my dog Boycott who led me to question the right of humans to eat other sentient beings.

Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society. Conversely, cruelty, whether it is directed against human beings or against animals, is not the exclusive province of any one culture or community of people.

We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves.

We know we cannot be kind to animals until we stop exploiting them — exploiting animals in the name of science, exploiting animals in the name of sport, exploiting animals in the name of fashion, and yes, exploiting animals in the name of food.

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Labors

The road to social justice for the farm worker is the road of unionization. Our cause, our strike against table grapes and our international boycott are all founded upon our deep conviction that the form of collective self-help, which is unionization, holds far more hope for the farm worker than any other single approach, whether public or private. This conviction is what brings spirit, high hope and optimism to everything we do.

So they are trying to do something about it. They are not doing it by seeking charity. They are not begging at the welfare office. They are not, like many of their employers, lobbying the halls of Congress with their gold plated tin cups asking to be paid for not growing crops. They are trying to do it in the way that millions of other Americans have shown is the right way-organization, unionism, collective bargaining.

We know what unions have done for other people. We have seen it and we have studied and we have cherished the idea of unionism. We have seen the history and development of unions in this country and we tell the growers that we want nothing more, but that we want our own union and we are going to fight for it as long as it takes.

There is no law for farm labor organizing, save the law of the jungle.

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Organizing

Organizing is an educational process. The best educational process in the union is the picket line and the boycott. You learn about life.

Cesar Chavez Quotes from the Movie

It’s not a march, Sheriff. It’s a pilgrimage all the way to Sacramento. And our families are here just to say goodbye.

You know, when the Chinese came to America to build the railroads, you know what they demanded of their overseers?

With all due respect, I know you went to a fancy school, but that doesn’t make you an expert.

Once social change begins, it can’t be reversed. You can’t uneducated someone who’s learned how to read. You can’t humiliate someone who has pride. And you can’t oppress someone who is not afraid anymore.

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Farm Workers and Health

(Farm workers) are involved in the planting and the cultivation and the harvesting of the greatest abundance of food known in this society. They bring in so much food to feed you and me and the whole country and enough food to export to other places. The ironic thing and the tragic thing is that after they make this tremendous contribution, they don’t have any money or any food left for themselves.

We farm workers are closest to food production. We were the first to recognize the serious health hazards of agriculture pesticides to both consumers and ourselves.

Farm workers are society’s canaries. Farm workers – and their children – demonstrate the effects of pesticide poisoning before anyone else.

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Pesticides

What, then, is the effect of pesticides? Pesticides have created a legacy of pain, and misery, and death for farm workers and consumers alike. The crop which poses the greatest danger, and the focus of our struggle, is the table grape crop. These pesticides soak the fields. Drift with the wind, pollute the water, and are eaten by unwitting consumers. These poisons are designed to kill, and pose a very real threat to consumers and farm workers alike.

Quotes on Social Change by Cesar Chavez

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed.

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. Cesar Chavez Address to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, Nov. 9, 1984

You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Food

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.

Cesar Chavez Quotes You Cannot Uneducated

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore.

Great Quotes on Environment by Cesar Chavez

It’s amazing how people can get so excited about a rocket to the moon and not give a damn about smog, oil leaks, the devastation of the environment with pesticides, hunger, disease. When the poor share some of the power that the affluent now monopolize, we will give a damn.

Today, the growers are like a punch-drunk old boxer who doesn’t know he’s past his prime. The times are changing. The political and social environment has changed. The chickens are coming home to roost – and the time to account for past sins is approaching.

Years of misguided teaching have resulted in the destruction of the best in our society, in our cultures and in the environment.

Cesar Chavez Quotes about Earth

It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.

We are certain God’s will is that all men share in the good things this earth produces.

Every time we sit at a table at night or in the morning to enjoy the fruits and grain and vegetables from our good earth, remember that they come from the work of men and women and children who have been exploited for generations…

Cesar Chavez Quotes on Education

The end of all education should surely be service to others.

Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our own students. What better books can there be than the book of humanity?

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