
One Line Whatsapp Status in English

One Line Whatsapp Status in English

One Line Whatsapp Status in English

One Line Whatsapp Status in English

One Liner Whatsapp Status in Hindi: In today’s hectic world people usually look for Whatsapp status which is the perfect, adorable, cool, small and easy fit on their Whatsapp profile. Thus, to help out our readers to get Whatsapp Status which is too eye-catching, perfect and finest, below we badge a fantastic collection One Liner Whatsapp Status. in these days Whatsapp turn out to be a great social media site to connect to some people and exchange concepts by updating status with some awesome and different ways. Whatsapp users usually use interesting One Liner Whatsapp Status in Hindi ideas to make fun with close friends and show their awesome smart skills of attitude just what makes other people attract. Let’s make around to get the very best idea for updating your Whatsapp status using this latest One Liner Whatsapp for boyfriend or girlfriend. There are simply no meaning of long lines or words exactly where these little One Liner Whatsapp Status in Hindi, for Whatsapp could express much with their little figure! It would be a good time-saving chance when you get perfect, lovely, humorous, innovative, and short and One Liner Whatsapp Status within one single post.

if They are animals then i would be a monster.
Some Surprises are never Forgotten and Some are Never Forgiven.
We mature with the damage Not with the years.
Not Every time you needed to Hold onto Someone.
The PRETTIEST girls goes through the UGLIEST Shit.
Boys too need Brain to understand girls heart.
Goes on Silent Mode Please….DND
I don’t hurt others because I know how it feels.
Loneliness is at its PEAK.
Make her laugh Then Make her Moan.
The best and easiest way to stop the topic is Hmmmmm..
Advice Needs A Good Listener.
I wish i could shift+del you from my life.
Will you reply, the rain will come today.
i never wish to be easily defined.
Love makes time pass Time makes love pass.
single in the womb single till the tomb.
Caring ones are the less cared ones.
I Still Care and you Still Don’t.
The Two most powerful warriors are Time and Patience.
You are the best Stranger i have ever Meet.
No caption needed.
First love, like the rain is ever fresh.
Saying someone is ugly doesn’t make you any prettier.
Sweet mercy is nobility’s true badge.
Rain makes a heart GO Romantic.
Keep calm and stay Bhukkad.
I am copyrighted ©
Feeling pain is better than feeling nothing.
Dear guys, most girls appreciate small things.
I miss those days when my smile was real.
If You Really Love Someone Let Them Sleep.
You don’t need a reason to help people.
Your best teacher is the mistake you made in past.
With the change in seasons,people change people from their life
The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.
I’m the dude with cool attitude.
Silence is the best response to a fool.
Yes I am smiling and you’re not the reason anymore.
It’s not an attitude, it’s the way I am.
A tear is made of 1% of water and 99% of feelings.
Don’t judge me I was born to be awesome not perfect.
My life my rules. _|_
I do not get drunk- I get awesome.
Don’t judge me I was born to be awesome not perfect.
Time is precious waste it wisely.
A jealous woman does better research than FBI.

Whatsapp provides a chance to update a temporary status. That status functions as similar to reflector of lovely emotion, moment and ideas. For that One Liner Whatsapp Status providing you to update your Whatsapp status with excellence. One Liner Whatsapp Status in Hindi for love enable you to share your happy moments and huge smiles with wonderful friends. WhatsApp status is a superb way to express who you are.

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 It truly is an expression, written especially and in an exact way to share one’s ideas, views and feelings in an innovative way. One Liner WhatsApp Status portrays how uniquely and ingeniously you could set your ideas in words. Updating status on WhatsApp or changing it every once in a while basically defines your way of living life or way towards life. Moreover, updating status is thought-provoking and is truly a fun, in case you are able to manage it wisely and efficiently. There are various kinds of One Liner Whatsapp Status in Hindi which you can use, as per their ease or mood.

Going to MacDonald for a salad is like going to prostitute for a hug.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
The best things in life are free, the second best are very expensive.
Sometimes we just have to let things go.
No expectations, No disappointments.
Silence is the most loud voice.
My playlist can tell you the story of my life.
Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Life is a story, Make yours the best seller!
There are no winners in life. only survivors!
Congratulations!!My tallest finger want to give you a standing ovation.
Fact: You wish Facebook had the middle finger button.
I should win an Oscar for acting like I’m busy at work.
If you’re wondering why you’re single, date someone. You’ll remember
I’m not a vegetarian but I eat animals who are.
Nowadays, “Cool” means- “I really don’t care.”
You hate drama? Cool. Stop starting it.
Maybe being nice is more important than being cool.
“FBI, Open the door!”… Uh… no … it’s cool when you break in.
Dreams are just the brain’s Screen-savers.
Life without mistakes is like, education without books.
life is simple if we are simple.
never give people permission to disrespect you.
I am not arguing, I’m simply explaining why I am right.
Some people need a HIGH-FIVE, in the face with a chair.
Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my status.
I am Waiting for GF Message!
I miss the days when I was put my head on my desk.
When you care about someone, their happiness matters more than yours.!!
Beauty is like Moon, looks much better at Night.
I don’t care what people think or say about me!
Every people is an intelligent, When he work Hard!
I’m cool but Summer made me hot!
Please don’t get confused between my my attitude and personality!
Those who know love has also the risk of knowing pain.
Work until you don’t have to, introduce yourself.
Every problem comes with solution, but my GF don’t have.
I am not Spider-man Nor Superman However i am superhero for my GF.!
WIFE and INSULT Are Somewhat Similar, They Always Look Good,IF IT IS NOT YOURS!
People say me bad.. but trust me I am the worst!
Totally available!! Please disturb me!!
Never too busy to be happy.
A smile suits every kind of clothes.
Brains are awesome, I wish everyone had one.
How come wrong numbers are never busy?
Always trying to cool my self.
My room + internet connection + music + food – homework = perfect day

In our life, everybody needs some inspiration to achieve success. These Motivational One Liner Whatsapp Status would give you inspiration that you may need in your life to be successful. Everybody should understand that whatever they think really matters. If you are thinking of becoming successful, you ought to need some Motivational One Liner Whatsapp Status in Hindi. Motivational One Liner WhatsApp Status that change your way of life. It is a feeling, posted specially as well as in a specific way to show your ideas, concepts, and emotions uniquely. Motivational One Liner WhatsApp Status displays how specifically and ingeniously you could put your thoughts into words.

Latest One Line Whatsapp Status in English

One Line Whatsapp Status in English 


They can conquer who believe they can.

Greet your fears with a smile.

LIFE is Just A GAME Without Any RULES.

Short One Line Status for Whatsapp on Love

Just in Love.

You are my Tom and I am your Jerry.

You can make million excuses or you can make million dollars.

I Have So Much of You in My Heart.

He’s not perfect But he’s all I want.

One Line Whatsapp Status for Friends

I wish you were Here To make Me Smile Right now.

Boys don’t have Besties or BFF They have “BHAI”.

Life is journey. I am a traveller.

One Line Whatsapp Status for Girlfriend

i Fell in Love with you More than once.

Phones are better than GF, At least we can switch it off.

Missing some true hearts around.

One Line Short Status for Him & Her

I Love You and That Doesn’t Have A Full Stop.

I love you because you’re AWESOME just like me.

Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds.

One Line Funny Whatsapp Status in English

Swag Desi But my Style is Pardesi.

Hey There! I Am Using your Girlfriend.

Motivational One line Whatspp Status in English

They WATCH They HATE Than They COPY.

The Only things work is “TRY”.

Work until the door of your Car opens Vertically.

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