Alice in Wonderland Movie Quotes
Alice in Wonderland Movie Quotes
Alice in Wonderland Movie Quotes
I don’t think…” then you shouldn’t talk, said the Hatter.
I’m going to give you a sentence, a full sentence with a noun and a verb and a possible agitate. I don’t like all these judges running around with their half-baked sentences, that’s how you get salmonella poisoning.
‘What is the use of a book’, thought Alice, ‘without pictures or conversations?’
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?
People who don’t think shouldn’t talk.
I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I’m not the same, the next question is ‘Who in the world am I?’ Ah, that’s the great puzzle!
A dream is not reality, but who’s to say which is which?
You used to be much more…” mushier.” You’ve lost your muchness.
How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.
Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’ I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes the shawl again!
There ought to be a book written about me, that there ought!
There is no prince, Aunt Imogene. You need to talk to someone about these delusions.
Don’t worry, Mother. I’ll find something useful to do with my life.
One can’t believe impossible things.
I love you, Margaret, but this is my life. I’ll decide what to do with it.
Alice, you cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours because when you step out to face that creature, you will step out alone.
Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Taws billing and the smithy toes Did gyre and gamble in the wave: All missy was the brogues, And the mime rats outrage.
You’re lucky to have my sister for your wife, Lowell, and be good to her. I’ll be watching very closely.
I’m afraid so… you’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head… but I’ll tell you a secret… all of the best people are.
I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.
There is a place. Like no place on Earth. The land is full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.
Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,’ thought Alice ‘but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!
Yes, that’s it! Said the Hatter with a sigh, it’s always tea time.
In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by
When I used to read fairy-tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!
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Alice in Wonderland Quotes about Life
Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,’ thought Alice ‘but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!
I almost wish I hadn’t gone down that rabbit-hole—and yet—and yet—it’s rather curious, you know, this sort of life!
Alice in Wonderland Quotes about Dance
Will you walk a little faster? said a whiting to a snail, “There’s a porpoise close behind us, and he’s treading on my tail! See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance: They are waiting on the shingle–will you come and join the dance?
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?
Alice in Wonderland Quotes About Tea
Take some more tea,” the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. “I’ve had nothing yet,” Alice replied in an offended tone, “so I can’t take more.
Yes, that’s it! Said the Hatter with a sigh, it’s always tea time.
Twinkle, twinkle little bat How I wonder what you’re at! Up above the world, you fly, Like a tea-tray in the sky.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes about Books
He was an odd one. Real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Completely denied having anything to do with the Alice books. Daft as a brush. You’d have liked him!
Alice in Wonderland Quotes on Words
I’ve been considering words that start with the letter M. Moron. Mutiny. Murder. Mm-malice.
whether you can make words mean so many different things.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes about Dreams
A dream is not reality, but who’s to say which is which?
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Mad Hatter
You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret all the best people are.
Two days wrong!” sighed the Hatter. “I told you butter wouldn’t suit the works!” he added, looking angrily at the March Hare. “It was the best butter,” the March Hare meekly replied.
One to be a murderer, the other to be martyred, one to be a monarch, the other to go mad.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes caterpillar
By the way, I have a few more helpful hints. One side will make you grow taller…
No. “Exaketededly” what is your problem?
Stop. That is not spoken correctively. It goes: How doth the little crocodile improves his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in, With gently smiling jaws.
suddenly angry* I am “exaketededly” three inches high, AND IT IS A VERY GOOD HEIGHT INDEED!
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Impossible
Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes on Madness
And how do you know that you’re mad? “To begin with,” said the Cat, “a dog’s not mad. You grant that?” I suppose so, said Alice. “Well then,” the Cat went on, “you see a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags its tail when it’s pleasing. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore, I’m mad.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Rabbit Hole
Well, after this I should think nothing of falling downstairs.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes on Love
And who is this lovely creature?
I love a warm pig belly for my aching feet.
I happen to love rabbits, especially white ones.
You’re right, Shayne. It is far better to be feared than loved.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Bonkers
You’re mad, bonkers, completely off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.
Have I gone mad? I’m afraid so. You’re entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, All the best people are.
You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Alice
I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then
Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.
Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,’ thought Alice ‘but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!
If it had grown up, it would have made a dreadfully ugly child; but it makes rather a handsome pig, I think.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes about Adventure
I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Cheshire Cat
Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?” The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the Cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?
You just go where your high-top sneakers sneak and don’t forget to use your head.
I’m not crazy. My reality is just different than yours.
Operationally, God is beginning to resemble not a ruler, but the last fading smile of a cosmic Cheshire Cat.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes about Time
I can’t go back to yesterday – because I was a different person then.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Where are You Going
Where are you going?
Which way should I go?
That depends on where you are going.
I don’t know.
Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.
Alice in Wonderland Movie Quotes
It needs to be purified by someone with evaporating skills, or it will fester and putrefy.
You used to be much more…” mushier.” You’ve lost your muchness.