
April Fool Pranks

April Fool Pranks

April Fool Pranks

April Fool Pranks

Always keep your lover’s photo in your purse. Whenever you are in big trouble, see the photo. You will feel that the problem you r facing is trivial…
Everything has a day… Every pet has a day… Every fool too has a day! Hope you might have enjoyed your day! Happy April day
I want U to know that U are very important to me, It’s impossible for me to live without U even 4 a second!U r my life & I can feel U everywhere…. DON’T MIND I WAS TALKING ABOUT OXYGEN…
This is not a Text, it’s just an April Fool Trick Place a bottle of liquid dish soap into the toilet tank. The next person to flush the toilet will be greeted with an overwhelming amount of bubbles.
Cheese is Cheese, Butter is butter, If you forget me, I will throw you in G U T T E R!
I’m fool, I’m fool I’m fool OK OK COOL I AGREE YOUR FOOL now please control yourself…
just close your eyes and think of yourself for 10 seconds.Open your eyes. Now you will realize that you have wasted 10 seconds thinking of a fool.
VIRUS DETECTED! When you turn your phone off it won’t WORK AGAIN!
Earth may stop rotating; Birds may stop flying; Candles may stop melting; And hearts may stop beating. But your brain will never start working. ‘April Fool Day’ was meant just for people like you!’
You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job
There is no April 1st in Rajni’s calendar, because no one can fool him.
A day will come when the world will celebrate your name, your fame, your personality and your views. But April Fool comes once in a year and that your day.’
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows him to be a fool.
April Fools Day has been cancelled this year.
April Fool is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty four days.
Wants to remind you that everything is funny as long as it’s not happening to you. Please don’t make others fool on April Fool Day.
Fact 1 You cannot touch your lower lip with your tongue Fact 2 After reading this 99 100 idiots would try it.
You can not touch your lower lip with your tongue..
You could just change your birthday to April first, watch everyone write happy birthday on your wall, and at the end of the day make your status.
A day will come when the world will celebrate your name, your fame, your personality and your views. But April Fool comes once in a year and that your day. 
you are one of the CUTEST persons in this world Just a second don’t misunderstand me CUTE means Creating Useless Troubles.
April Fool is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty four days.
Today if anyone praises you for your beauty, personality, style or attitude, Just kick him. How dare he fool you before April 1st.
Hi Dear FOOL, Wish you a Happy April Fool Day. Today is your day. Just a friendly reminder Relationships are precious, do not hurt them by fooling and lying on first April / April Fool.
Today is the day to Propose a girl. If she accepts thats your LUCk otherwise just tell her its April Fool. 
Aliens have contacted the Earth, Watch the news and see it.
OMG everyone what is that flying over the sky outside!
I’ll be getting married on April 11. All of you are invited.
If you have anything important to tell me, tell me tomorrow cause I won’t believe you today. Happy April Fools Day!
I’m gonna be a daddy!
I got fired from my job for punching my boss in the face.
Hey you know which is the best day to propose a girl ?? Its April First.. If she accepts its your luck and otherwise just Say APRIL FOOL

See This :

Funny April Fool Jokes Prank

Fact 1: You cannot touch your lower lip with your tongue…Fact 2: After reading this, 99/100 idiots would try it.

Funny April Fool Jokes for Kids

A fool got into a bus on 1st April. When conductor asked for ticket, he gave Rs.10/- and took the ticket. After taking the ticket, he screamed, “April Fool! I have a pass.”
Funny April Fool Day Jokes on Friends
If you’re not fool then press F13
April Fool Jokes on Girlfriend in English
If people say you are crazy, be patient; If they say you are a moron, relax; If they say you are stupid, be cool; But if they say you are smart, then slap these stupid people. Happy All Fools’ Day!

April Fool Day Jokes on Friends

Someone Missing you badly, Needs you very much, Worries about you, Lonely without you, Guess who? THE MONKEY IN … THE ZOO …

Funny April Fool Day Ideas Jokes

Don’t hurt your shy friends by fooling them. You may lose them. When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.

April Fool Day Prank Jokes for Boyfriend

Feeling bored? Wondering, what to do? Open the zip! Enter your hands in between your zip… Take out your… Book from your bag and study…

Funny April Fool Ideas and Prank for Friends

Funniest April Fool Prank Ideas for Friends and Kids
Fool me once, shame on you… Fool me twice, shame on me.
Just letting you all know I’m getting married on the 1st of April and you’re all invited!
Long time ago, only fools used to read my sms, and today

the history continues.
Happy All Fools’ Day!
What is common b/w fools and smart persons?
Smart compose the message for fools to circulate.
Happy April Fool!
Hey get ready, my marriage is fixed. It’s on 1st day of April. Surprised? Stupid, 1st April is April fool, and u r the 1st person I have fooled.

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